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December Flint & Flower Updates

It’s been a busy fall season for us at Flint & Flowers as we get ready to close out the year with our friends and family. 

In the past few weeks, we’ve had a few big milestones when it comes to the planning and logistics of our sanctuary retreat.

Update #1:

We have received our water well permit! 

What does that mean for all of our future visitors? 

Running water and flushing toilets in each of our beautiful tents. No luxury camping experience is complete without knowing that you won’t have to use community bathrooms or outhouses.  

Update #2

Save the Date for April 8th 2024

We have set our Grand Opening date to Friday April 5th, 2024, just in time for the Monday April 8th, 2024 total Solar Eclipse.

Did you know that our Johnson City location will be one of the best places in the world to view the total Solar Eclipse? 

It’s true! We’ll be writing more about that and the path to totality as we get closer to April.  

What we can definitely share is that our first guests will have one of the most extraordinary experiences of having one of the best views in the world for this longer-than-average eclipse that is expected to be “the most-watched celestial event of our lifetime,” according to the Farmer’s Almanac

Update #3

Our beautiful lux Bushtec Safari Tents have names!

After thoughtful consideration as to what the names should be for each of the six tents, our founder Melinda Knowles decided to use this opportunity to pay homage to the beautiful flowers native to this area of Pedernales Falls. As each tent gets closer to being fully furnished with our stunning Four Hands Furnishings and A Touch of Craft accessories, we’ll share more about each. In the meantime, here are the names of each:

Tent #1: Marigold

Beautiful organge Marigolds in a field

Our beautiful Tent #1 is named after the resilient Marigold flower–a flower that although visually stunning can also withstand droughts and does well under the Texas sun.

Five Fun Facts About Marigold:

  • Marigolds (or Calendula as they are also known) possess a great healing quality and has served for centuries as a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory topical. Its most popular use from ancient times to the modern day has been for healing the skin of wounds, burns, rashes, itchiness, bites and swelling. It has been found that Marigold has the ability to promote the growth of healthy new tissue, increase blood flow to the affected area, boost collagen production (which firms and strengthens skin), hydrate dry skin and speed up the process of skin repair following surgery or damage.

  • It is told that The Aztecs bred the marigold and in the 1500's, native marigold seeds were taken from the Aztecs by early Spanish explorers to Spain. The marigolds were cultivated in Spain and grown in monastery gardens. From Spain, marigold seeds were transported to France and northern Africa. The taller marigolds, now called African-American, became naturalized in North Africa.

  • Several hundred years after their initial journey from the Americas to Europe and Africa, marigolds were introduced to American gardeners shortly after the Revolutionary War.

  • In Mexico and Latin America, marigold flowers are used to decorate household altars to celebrate Dia de Los Muertos ( All Saints Day and All Souls Day). Flower heads are scattered on relatives’ graves which can account for the profusion of marigolds in cemeteries, used to help spirits find their way home.

  • Marigolds are also used in Hindu religious ceremonies. An account describes the marigold being used as garlands to decorate village gods during the harvest festival. The traveler recalling the festival also noted that maize and peppers were exactly the same shade of orange-yellow as the marigold. It was as though the corn and peppers were selected or bred to match the marigold flower color.

Close up photograph of Lavender in a field

Tent #2: Lavender

Our second tent will no doubt infuse the calming and relaxing attributes of it’s namesake, the multi-purpose Lavender. Known as one of the most popular scents promoting tranquility and peace, 

Five Fun Facts About Lavender:

  • The origin of Lavender is believed to be from the Mediterranean, Middle East and India–spanning a history of over 2,500 years.  

  • The ancient Greeks called Lavender nardus, after the Syrian city of Naarda and was commonly called Nard. Lavender was one of the holy herbs used to prepare the Holy Essence and Nard, or ‘spikenard’ is mentioned in the bible in the ‘Song of Solomon’ among other places.

  • Lavender derives its name from the Latin ‘lavare’ meaning ‘to wash”. The Romans used Lavender to scent their baths, beds, clothes and even hair. They also discovered its medicinal properties.

  • Lavender oil is used as a disinfectant, an antiseptic, an anti-inflammatory and for aromatherapy. An infusion of Lavender is claimed to soothe and heal insect bites, sunburn and small cuts, burns and inflammatory conditions and even acne. Lavender oils are also used for internal medical conditions, among others indigestion and heartburn and can also help soothe headaches, migraines and motion sickness when applied to the temples. It is frequently used as an aid to sleep and relaxation.

  • Lavender delivers a floral, slightly sweet and elevated flavor to salads, soups, meat and seafood dishes, desserts, cheeses, baked goods and confectionery. For most cooking applications it is the dried flowers that are used although the leaves may also be used. Only the buds or flowers contain the essential oil of Lavender which is where the scent and flavor are best derived.

beautiful orange lantana plants

Tent #3: Lantana

The Lantana is an appropriate name for our third tent, with the symbolic meaning of the lantana flower being generally associated with rigor and the element of Fire, its bright hues also attract the gentlest of creatures such as butterflies and hummingbirds. 

Sometimes referred to as “the plant that keeps on giving,” Lantana grows anywhere and everywhere; it is invasive and takes over any spot where you might plant it; it does not contain easily. When you come to Flint & Flowers, we want you to take up space and to emerge reenergized and invigorated as well as balanced, relaxed, and well-rested. 

Five Fun Facts About Lantana:

  • The name Lantana derives from the Latin name of the wayfaring tree and it originated in Central and South America.

  • In many cultures, lantana is associated with longevity and joy. The vibrant flowers and long blooming period of lantana are seen as symbols of happiness, good fortune, and a prosperous life.

  • Studies conducted in India have found that Lantana leaves can display antimicrobial, fungicidal, and insecticidal properties. It has also been used in traditional herbal medicines for treating a variety of ailments, including cancer, skin itches, leprosy, chicken pox, measles, asthma, and ulcers.

  • Lantana has a long-flowering season and given its ability to attract butterflies, lantana is often included in butterfly gardens. This type of garden focuses on providing a habitat and food source for butterflies, and lantana’s colorful flowers and abundant nectar make it a favorite for butterflies.

  • Lantana is a diverse plant genus, with over 150 known species. Each species varies in terms of flower color, size, and growth habit. The Texas Lantana is a Texas Native species that blooms with masses of orange/yellow flowers. The plant is drought tolerant, disease and pest-resistant and thrives in our Austin heat.

close up of pretty light pink Primrose flowers

Tent #4: Primrose

The romanticized primrose is one of the first flowers to bloom in spring. Its name actually comes from the Latin word 'primus', which means 'first’ and sometimes it is referred to as “first rose.” So, many believe that it has a meaning of youth, renewal and optimism. What better energy to immerse yourself as you visit Flint & Flowers?

It is also an early spring bloom, making it one of the first flowers to appear in many environments, which is an important source of nectar to butterflies as we transition from win

Five Fun Facts About Primrose:

  • Early Native Americans used Primrose to heal wounds, serve as a sedative and even treat hemorrhoids. According to 15th century Tudor herbalists, Culpeper and Gerard, the primrose could cure ailments such as arthritis, insomnia, headaches and wounds. Primrose root was also taken for whooping cough, breathing health, stiffness, and nerve pain.

  • The pink evening primrose is a native Texas favorite that is sown by the highway department in most parts of the state. The Texas primrose is very tolerant of heat.

  • Primrose has long been part of much folklore and legend.According to a Scottish legend, if you want to see a fairy, you must eat a primrose. Leaving primroses on your doorstep will ensure fairies will bless your house, and putting primroses in a cowshed will convince them not to steal the milk. Not surprisingly, the flower is also known as “fairy cup”. Celtic Druids believed the flower helped ward off evil spirits and could connect us with the fairies.

  • The Primrose in the Arts: Tthe Primrose was perhaps one of Shakespeare’s most written about blooms, as he  mentions primroses seven times. In the 19th century, the primrose was a popular flower with Victorian artists like Walter Crane and Jane Elizabeth Giraud.

  • April 19th was celebrated as Primrose Day in England, in the late 19 century, honoring the death of British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield) a close friend of Queen Victoria who favored the flower.The bronze statue of Lord Beaconsfield in Parliament Square was decorated with primroses every year on the anniversary of his death.

Close-up photograph of blue mistflowers

Tent #5: Blue Mist

No wildflower garden is complete without the Blue Mistflower. This ethereal celestial blue flower native to Texas and southeastern North America. 

Five Fun Facts About Blue Mistflowers

  • Because the plant is in the sunflower family, what may look like a single flower is actually a group (heads, or capitula) of very small flowers. Each head can contain 30–50 individual flowers.

  • The nectar-rich flowers are attractive to butterflies and other pollinators. Birds enjoy the seeds.It provides abundant nectar for monarchs, swallowtails, queens, soldiers, pearl crascents, white peacocks, little yellows, and many other butterflies, as well as attracting native bees and skippers. 

  • The Blue Mistflower is most commonly used in traditional medicines, the mistflower can be used to treat skin infections and sore throats. The leaves can be applied to wounds to stop the bleeding. Studies have also shown that the mistflower has high antioxidant properties. 

  • In spirituality, the words attributed to the Blue Mistflower include: self-acceptance, protected, gifted, confidence, intuition, and visionary. 

  • Some of the harmonizing qualities that this flower can provide include: surrounding a sensitive soul with courage and strength, opening and purifying the throat chakra, while helping to enhance spiritual gifts and sensitivities.

Beautiful close-up photograph of a red poppy flower

Tent #6: Poppy

Poppies have long been used as a symbol of sleep, peace, and rest. The joy and tranquility that these flowers bring to us all is what we hope to carry over to the sixth of our Flint & Flowers tent and into your stay with us. 

Poppies also represent hope for a positive future and a peaceful world.

Five Fun Facts About the Poppy

  • As long ago as 2700 BCE the Minoans, a sophisticated civilisation based around Crete, are known to have cultivated poppies for their seed. The Poppy was domesticated by the indigenous people of Western and Central Europe between 6000 and 3500 BC. However, it is believed that its origins may come from the Sumerian people. Poppies made their way around the world along the silk road. Juglets resembling poppy seed pods have been discovered and the flower appeared in jewelry and on art pieces in Egypt, dated 1550-1292 BC.

  • Poppy seeds are rich in oil, carbohydrates, calcium and protein. Poppy oil is often used as cooking oil, salad dressing oil, or in products such as margarine. Poppy oil can also be added to spices for cakes, or breads. 

  • Ancient Egyptian doctors would have their patients eat seeds from a poppy to relieve pain. Poppy seeds contain small quantities of both morphine and codeine, which are pain-relieving drugs that are still used today.

  • In Greek and Roman myths, poppies were used as offerings to the dead. Poppies used as emblems on tombstones symbolize eternal sleep. This symbolism was evoked in the children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, in which a magical poppy field threatened to make the protagonists sleep forever. Egyptian tombs contain poppies and the ancient Greeks associated them with Demeter, the goddess of fertility and agriculture. They considered the presence of poppies around a field of grain crops a sign of the goddess’ blessing, which insured a good harvest.

  • Some of the first Texas sightings of Poppies was after World War I, when they were brought to our Flint & Flowers neighboring Georgetown, Texas, area by local resident Henry Compton as he returned from the war. These Flanders poppies are still found throughout the area, making Georgetown "The Red Poppy Capital of Texas."

Stay tuned to this blog as we bring you more updates on our progress in 2024!

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